2022 October Newsletter

Nov 22, 2022Newsletter

2022 October Newsletter

Yep it’s been a while, but you know how busy everyone gets.

Our next event is per the poster below, the 2022 Ladies Fishing Event. Get a crew and costumes together and join us for generous prizes, an excellent SYC Kitchen&Bar dinner (included in the 0cket), and all the fun that goes with dressing up and letting your hair down. Costumes this year are easy for lots of people, your parents are still wearing the same gear to funerals and weddings.

WGFC/SYC Kids Fishing Event is on Sunday 11th December from 10—
11:30am. Daniel & Renee will have coffees available from around 10:30 and probs some muffins too. Their lunch service kicks off from pretty much the end of the kids fishing, a cold lager and something off the menu sounds like a good idea aye!

2020 AGM and Prizegiving

2020 AGM and Prizegiving

Our 2020 AGM was held on Saturday 1st August. Good attendance thank you and we got underway on time.Reports from our Records Officer Cam, NZSFC rep Terry, and President Dave were presented.We also had the pleasure of Steve the new NZSFC CEO addressing our Club and...

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Monthly Longest Snapper!

Monthly Longest Snapper!

Every month we have a Longest Snapper $100 Hunting & Fishing Warkworth voucher to award. Get your weighsheet (with measurement in cm, and photo) to us before the end of the following month to be in. The length criteria gives you the option to release larger fish....

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2020 10kg Tournament Report

2020 10kg Tournament Report

6am Saturday 30th to text measure-in by 4pm Sunday 31st May (Queens Birthday wkend). You know the story with the 10kg, anything less than 25knots is a bonus. Saturday it was good to be alive. Sunday was just a matter of staying alive.Not even a global pandemic thrown...

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click here to check out where to get hooked up this season.