Our ‘year’/season runs from July 1st of the current year to 30th June the following year.
Other than new members joining after the AGM, any current member is deemed to be a financial member for the season if their subscription is paid prior to 31st October of that season.
Membership applications will be accepted at any time, but must be received prior to fishing events or capturing fish that qualify for Club trophies or other awards and prizes.
Junior members are those under 16 years of age at 1st July of the current year.
Family memberships are described as “members who shall be part of a family comprising not more than two adults and the children of those adults under the age of 16 years who are bona fide anglers”.
Any member of the current WwGFC executive committee can accept a membership application at anytime, with acceptance of that application subject to the Rules of Acceptance.
Warkworth Gamefish Club is affiliated to the New Zealand Sport Fishing Council, and members of affiliated clubs have full access to the NZSFC benefits. See for more information.

We are a division of the Sandspit Yacht Club so our Membership application form for new members is on their website. Please click on the button below to join as a new member.
If you are a returning member you should receive an invoice from the SYC office via email, at the start of the new membership year. It is due for payment by 31st October. If existing members need the invoice to be resent please email Please also email if you need to update your contact details.
THANK YOU, we aim to provide a good return to you – good times and great company! And through our affiliations we actively support the superb effort being undertaken to protect our recreational fishery.
ALWAYS let us know if there’s something you think we should be involved in or offer to our members.
ALWAYS let us know if you have a product or service to promote to our members through a tournament or event sponsorship.
NOW we can offer the option of paying your membership investment ONLINE, bank directly to:
BNZ 02 0480 0019973 00
Sandspit Yacht Club
Include your name and then email us with your details as per the membership application form.