2022 Ladies Competition Report

Nov 22, 2022Newsletter

Ladies Competition 2022 Report

Given the weather the day before, the actual
conditions for our event were way better than
most people expected.

Entry numbers did however take a hit, with just
under 40 ladies fishing on 12 boats. But the
fishing was generally pretty darn good and most
importantly, everyone had a great time!

Plenty of snapper were released once anglers
had a few each. Being a measure comp it’s
almost universal to keep the keepers that won’t
survive release, and everything else gets a
measure pic and a thank you for visiting.

2020 One Base

2020 One Base

GREAT BARRIER ONE BASE 2020 Superb weather and enough fish to keep things interesting made for an excellent 2020 One Base. The first stripie (2nd place Billfish Points) was tagged at the very northern edge of the grid by Nick Whittaker on Barry Plumptons rocket ship...

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2019 Ladies Comp REPORT

2019 Ladies Comp REPORT

Ladies Only Fishing Event 2019 37 Ladies fishing compared to 57 last year – a forecast for frequent rain and 25 knots gusting 30 will do that. The weather wasn’t hot, but the fishing WAS! Crews caught and released good sized snapper until they couldn’t do it anymore....

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2019 AGM Report

2019 AGM Report

Our 2019 AGM was held on Saturday 27th July.
We struggled to get a quorum so we started a tad late. Low numbers typically means we’re doing a good job!

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click here to check out where to get hooked up this season.