Warkworth Gamefish Club
The Sportfishing Division of the Sandspit Yacht Club View upcoming tournaments

Welcome, the Warkworth Gamefish Club Inc. forms the Sportfishing Division of the Sandspit Yacht Club.
WWGFC has a steady core of around 300 members and is based at the SYC Clubrooms, Sandspit, on the east coast 9kms from Warkworth.
We run 3 tournaments throughout the year, The WWGFC One Base at Great Barrier Island on Auckland Anniversary Weekend in January, the 10kg Tournament on Queens Birthday Weekend (May/June), and in November we hold a Ladies Only event that is growing rapidly.
The Warkworth Gamefish Club has a weighmaster available on a volunteer basis, in the locations of Great Barrier Island, Matakana, Sandspit, Omaha, Leigh, and Warkworth.

Latest Club News & Event Results
2023 10kg Event
2023 10kg Fishing Event Although the average and top 10 snapper look pretty good, it was a common observation that their condition was patchy. Yup, a few of the ‘mushy fillet’ sort, but a large proportion of snapper and kahawai had a ‘hollow’ in theirbelly profile,...
2022 October Newsletter
2022 October Newsletter Yep it’s been a while, but you know how busy everyone gets. Our next event is per the poster below, the 2022 Ladies Fishing Event. Get a crew and costumes together and join us for generous prizes, an excellent SYC Kitchen&Bar dinner...
2022 Ladies Competition Report
Ladies Competition 2022 Report Given the weather the day before, the actual conditions for our event were way better than most people expected. Entry numbers did however take a hit, with just under 40 ladies fishing on 12 boats. But the fishing was generally pretty...
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